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MessaggioInviato: Mar Ago 01, 2017 12:08    Oggetto: PREZIOSI testimonial Solidarietà ADRICESTA ONLUS, intervista Rispondi citando

Benvenuti! siete in Alessandro Preziosi official Forum

Preziosi è testimonial ufficiale per Adricesta dal 2004

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del processo di Umanizzazione dei Reparti di degenza

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MessaggioInviato: Mar Ago 01, 2017 12:56    Oggetto: PROMETEO - Grumento, Teatri Uniti di BASILICATA - recensione Rispondi citando

ha scritto:

Il mito di PROMETEO tra Adamo e Lucifero :: il

recital di Alessandro Preziosi al Teatro Romano

di Grumento Nova (Pz) Teatri Uniti di Basilicata

“Guardatemi io sono un dio e guardate che cosa mi hanno fatto gli dei! Guardate che oltraggio devo subire, tormentato per un tempo infinito!”. È questo il grido straziante che erompe tra le rocce del Caucaso. Lo pronuncia Prometeo, il più intelligente tra i Titani della mitologia greca, colui che, in virtù della sua astuzia, osa sottrarre il fuoco agli dei perché gli uomini beneficino di tale invenzione. La sua presunzione (hybris) sarà però duramente punita da Zeus che, dopo averlo fatto legare a una rupe, manda ogni giorno un’aquila a dilaniargli il fegato che puntualmente gli ricresce.

Questo il mito che è riecheggiato tra le rovine del Teatro Romano di Grumento Nova, grazie a un’intensa interpretazione dell’attore Alessandro Preziosi. Egli ha dato voce all’eroe greco in un reading di grande spessore nell’ambito della rassegna teatrale estiva promossa dal Consorzio “Teatri Uniti di Basilicata”. Cuore del recital è stato naturalmente il Prometeo Incatenato, l’unica tragedia superstite della trilogia di Eschilo dedicata al Titano.

Ma nelle pagine ripercorse magistralmente dalla voce grave e profonda di Preziosi c’è spazio anche per Simone Weil, Goethe, Lord Byron, la Genesi e San Paolo, che contribuiscono a delineare un personaggio multiforme, che assume diversi volti, da quello di Adamo, che oltrepassa il proprio limite cibandosi del frutto proibito della conoscenza del bene e del male, a quello di Lucifero che, incurante delle leggi umane e divine si rivela, additando se stesso come dio, quale novello “figlio della perdizione”. Insomma in scena “non c’è solo il Prometeo incatenato riconosciuto dal mito, ma un uomo, un uomo solo, che si interroga e si arrovella, quasi si divora, nella sua incontenibile esigenza di dialogo con uomini e dei, nel chiedersi ossessivamente cosa sia il Bene e cosa sia il Male, interprete dell’eterno afflato di assoluto che contraddistingue propriamente la nostra natura umana, e si dibatte nella presunta colpa di aver voluto carpire ciò che deve restare Mistero”.

Fabio Piemonte - 31/07/2017; recensione pubblicata VIA

"PROMETEO": appuntamenti previsti per l'autunno:

ven. 15 settembre 22:00 CARPI (MO) piazza Martiri


ven. 17 novembre 2017, 21:00 BARI Teatro Palazzo

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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Mar Ago 01, 2017 18:48    Oggetto: LE CONFESSIONI DI SANT'AGOSTINO 29/07/17 MINORI - recensione Rispondi citando

ha scritto:


. successo per Alessandro Preziosi a Minori [Sa]

Alessandro Preziosi è Sant’Agostino a Minori. L’uomo giusto nel posto giusto. Una interpretazione magistrale dell’infaticabile cercatore di verità nella suggestiva ed unica location amalfitana, il Peristilio degli Scavi della Villa Marittima Romana.

Introdotto dal puntuale e appassionato intervento della responsabile delle politiche culturali del Comune di Minori, la Professoressa Paola Mansi, Preziosi seduce e incanta il pubblico, che lo segue con attenzione per oltre un’ora e mezza. Trasporta la gremita sala in una dimensione senza tempo tra i quesiti, le riflessioni e le inquietudini del Santo, straordinariamente attuali, che continuano ad affascinare laici e credenti di ogni tempo.

La mise en scene de “Le confessioni di Sant’Agostino” tenutasi il 29 luglio sono state un successo di pubblico e per il pubblico. Un premio alla scelta artistica di Christian Merli, a cui Preziosi a fine spettacolo ha voluto esprimere un affettuoso quanto spontaneo ringraziamento evidenziandone competenza e professionalità. L’attore ha inoltre evidenziato la grande operosità dello staff che non ha trascurato alcun dettaglio organizzativo.

Grande soddisfazione è stata espressa dal Sindaco di Minori, Andrea Reale. “A Minori abbiamo la fortuna di avere un monumento unico. Un edificio che trasuda storia e cultura in cui abbiamo il dovere di ospitare grandi artisti con e grandi opere che la facciano rivivere quale contenitore culturale” ha dichiarato il primo cittadino ed ha aggiunto “ho il dovere di ringraziare il dr. Antonio Bottiglieri, presidente della Scabec, per aver inserito l’iniziativa nel progetto Campania By Night – Archeologia Sotto le Stelle, la Sovraintendenza Archeologica, il Presidente De Luca sempre attento nei confronti della comunità costiera e minorese in particolare, il Maestro Preziosi per aver vissuto e regalato emozioni indescrivibili, il direttore Merli per aver allestito anche quest’anno una rassegna di primissimo livello, ed al meraviglioso pubblico che ha fatto registrare il sold out per il primo spettacolo previsto dal programma “Le vie dell’arte e del palato in costa d’Amalfi” Edizione 2017”.

Alessandro Preziosi e Tommaso Mattei per KHORA.teatro ed il produttore teatrale Christian Merli a fine serata si sono congratulati personalmente con il Sindaco per la calorosa accoglienza e si sono ripromessi di tornare a breve a godere delle bellezze, della gastronomia e dei comfort che Minori offre.

Gli spettacoli costituiscono di fatto una vera e propria anteprima del consolidato Gusta Minori giunto quest’anno alla XXI edizione che si terrà dal 25 al 27 agosto.

Non poteva quindi esserci titolo più adatto per invitare i visitatori a MinoriLe vie dell’arte e del palato in costa d’Amalfi”.

GAZZETTA di SALERNO Redazione 31/07/17 via

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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Mer Ago 02, 2017 04:06    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in this note Theo tells his mother what Vincent wants her to do with his things in Nuenen.

From: Theo van Gogh
To: Anna Cornelia van Gogh-Carbentus.
Date: Paris, March 22, 1887

‘As you asked, I have spoken to Vincent about his things that are still in Nuenen. He says that you can do with the furniture as you please, but he is particularly attached to his collection of wood engravings, which would certainly be of no value to anyone in Nuenen and which he has put together with difficulty. There are also studies of his own that he would prefer to keep. If it were possible to pay off what he owes with the things he has left behind, and if there was enough left over to make a chest for the prints and studies and to pay the freight costs, even if it was only to Breda, that would certainly be a good arrangement. If I then come to you I can pick out what can be sent on to here. I hope this won’t cause you too much trouble and that you can cover the expenses with what there is.’

"Someday death will take us to another star.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"Wisdom is found only in truth."
―Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"It is not bright colors but good drawing that makes figures beautiful."

Later Preziosi, Aloha! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Mer Ago 02, 2017 08:18    Oggetto: SEGRETI D'AUTORE 30/07/17 vita d'attore: ALESSANDRO PREZIOSI Rispondi citando

foto e video 30 luglio 2017 ALESSANDRO PREZIOSI


Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni

ha scritto:



Segreti d’Autore – Festival dell’Ambiente, delle Scienze e delle Arti, ormai alla sua settima edizione, torna a rianimare gli antichi borghi del Cilento dell’area del Monte della Stella, monte caro a Ruggero Cappuccio, regista, scrittore e drammaturgo, che ha ideato la rassegna sette anni fa con l’allora Presidente del Parco Amilcare Troiano. Per questa nuova edizione, inaugurata il 30 luglio, il testimone della Direzione artistica passa alla regista e attrice Nadia Baldi legata da un lungo sodalizio artistico a Cappuccio e autrice di film ambientati nel Cilento. A un anno di distanza dalla presentazione al Festival Segreti d’autore del suo film “Veleni”, una favola nera sospesa tra misteri e seduzioni al limite tra l’amore e la morte, ambientata tra Serramezzana e Agnone, Nadia Baldi ritorna nel Cilento e inaugura la settima edizione di un Festival unico nel suo genere, intessendo I fili di un dialogo intitolato Vita d’attore con protagonista Alessandro Preziosi nella cornice dell’affascinante Piazza XX Settembre di Serramezzana. La strada, che separa il paese dalle coste affollate ormai di turisti, è tortuosa ma immersa in abissi di verde: troviamo a riceverci due bambine con un cane. Sono piene di entusiasmo, perché “sentono” quest’evento e ne fanno parte: sono loro che ci parlano del Festival, di Ruggero Cappuccio, che ritorna spesso nella casa avita di Serramezzana. Le due bambine e il cagnolino ci accompagnano per le strade del borgo in un’atmosfera sospesa, piena di incanti onirici, tra luci di candele e odore di antico. Al centro della piazza, tra palazzi in pietra, alberi e luci soffuse, Nadia Baldi intervista Alessandro Preziosi, ripercorre con lui le tappe della sua carriera teatrale, cinematografica e televisiva.

Il dialogo tra i due artisti si fa sempre più intimo fino a diventare attraversamento, nel senso etimologico della parola, passando tra le interferenze dei codici espressivi delle arti. Preziosi ricorda la sua formazione, il difficile rapporto con la famiglia d’origine, gli esordi all’Accademia dei Filodrammatici di Milano, i rapporti con i registi che lo hanno diretto, i successi televisivi e cinematografici e infine l’esperienza da regista e produttore di spettacoli teatrali. Il dialogo diventa poi attraversamento ulteriore quando alle spalle dei due interlocutori scorrono le scene dei film interpretati dall’attore e soprattutto delle opere teatrali con le maschere di Amleto, Don Giovanni, Cyrano di Bergerac fino al Vincent Van Gogh, dell’ultima opera “L’odore assordante del bianco” di Massini che ha segnato il debutto di Preziosi nell’ultima edizione del Napoli Teatro Festival diretto da Ruggero Cappuccio e poi al Festival di Spoleto. La serata, che ha avuto un grandissimo riscontro di pubblico, ha dunque inaugurato un Festival che si coniuga perfettamente con il paesaggio in cui è immerso, un Festival che grazie all’intuito di Ruggero Cappuccio rispetta ed esalta la bellezza naturale dei paesaggi cilentani, la nobile selvatichezza dei borghi del Cilento delle aree interne non ancora toccate dal turismo di massa e dalla cementificazione selvaggia.

di Carmen Lucia, 01/08/17; pubblicato via il Quotidiano

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MessaggioInviato: Mer Ago 02, 2017 09:38    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Grazie mille carissima Giuly,

Bellissime immagine Razz Razz

Tanti baci Wink Wink


La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.

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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Gio Ago 03, 2017 04:00    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in the first half of this letter that Theo sent to his sister Elisabeth, who by the way, was dubbed "Lies" by Vincent (that's an interesting choice for a nickname. maybe Vincent was trying to tell us something since he seldom wrote to her. Who knows. yet another van Gogh mystery. Laughing )

Anyway, in this letter, Theo speaks of: his life, how lonely he feels, his health and how he plans to propose to Jo Bonger because even though he doesn't know her very well, she gave him the impression that he can place his trust in her completely unreservedly, as he wouldn’t with anyone else.

From: Theo van Gogh
To: Elisabeth van Gogh.
Date: Paris, April 19, 1887

‘It’s a long time since you had a letter from me, but if you knew how life is here and the kind of situations I’ve been through this winter it wouldn’t surprise you that there was no desire to repeat everything that had been going on. It’s better to keep silent about it, because it wasn’t heartening for others. What I do constantly reproach myself for is that I’m not involved enough with all of you, and I’m sorry above all that I naturally didn’t hear much from you all. But again, life is so different here, and there’s so much agitation and fighting that it would certainly not have been a good idea to disturb your tranquil life.

However, I long so much to hear something from you again that I could delay no longer. However, do not think if I don’t go into particulars that all the fault lies with others. No, the main thing was that I’ve been ill, particularly in my spirit, and have had a great struggle with myself. I now feel much stronger again and hope that I’m back on my feet again. Life here is above all so lonely. There’s no family life, and so mixing with others is no more than with a few acquaintances and beyond that with people in the line of business. Can you understand that it’s sometimes difficult never to mix with anyone other than men who talk about business, with artists who are generally having a difficult time themselves, but never to know the intimate life with wife or children of the same class? You can hardly imagine the great loneliness there can be in a big city.

Now, you will say: have you no hope, then, that that will change? Yes, but in the meantime it’s rough. Perhaps you can’t understand how it is that there are no folk with whom I mix, but remember that people here are busy from morning till night, and then don’t feel that the day is long enough to do what has to be done, and then I dislike mixing with just anyone and find it absurd to say that people turn out better than expected after a while and that everyone has his good qualities. I find that one very quickly discovers the kind of a person that one is dealing with, and that as a rule mixing with mediocrities doesn’t lead anywhere.

There’s an enormous difference between that and being a misanthrope, because I find that on the contrary there are people whom I love very much and who are so good and special that I feel myself so small compared to them that I have difficulty mixing with them and above all to take the first step to becoming intimate with them. I don’t remember when I last wrote to you and whether I’ve already told you my secret. To come straight to the point, if you don’t know. I plan to propose to Jo Bonger some time. It’s true that I don’t know her well enough to be able to tell you much about her. As you know, I’ve only seen her a few times, but what I know of her pleases me. She gave me the impression that I can place my trust in her completely unreservedly, as I wouldn’t with anyone else.

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"There is nothing better to display the truth in an excellent light, than a clear and simple statement of facts."
― Saint Benedict

"When one is painting one does not think."

Later Preziosi, Namaste! me

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Ven Ago 04, 2017 03:30    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, this is the conclusion of the letter I posted yesterday. In it Theo is still telling his sister "Lies" Laughing how he feels about Jo Bonger. Theo sounds just like Vincent. They had the same writing style.

From: Theo van Gogh
To: Elisabeth van Gogh.
Date: Paris, April 19, 1887

I would be able to speak to her about everything, and I believe that if she wanted to she could mean oh so much to me. Now the question is whether she, for her part, has the same idea, and whether it isn’t a completely egotistical business I’m embarking on. You girls usually think that there are heroes of every kind in the world, and that the man who proposes to you naturally ought to be one of those beings. I find that very beautiful and don’t want to rob you of the illusion, but for my part I believe that many are taken in if they count on that. In any event, in this case I don’t wish anyone to take me for what I am not, and if I get to know her a little better I’ll let her know that she mustn’t have too many illusions, and I’m still very doubtful whether she will have me. However, I can’t get her out of my thoughts. She is always with me, and how often I curse the impossibly great distance that lies between us. Why can I not see her more often and get to know her, to discover what she would wish and how she thinks about oh so many things?

What can I do to come into contact with her in some other way than being in Amsterdam for a day or two once a year and then finish? I’ve already thought about starting to write to her, but even that wasn’t possible at that time because I was foolish enough not to ask her last year whether she wanted to correspond with me.
If I do so now, or have someone ask her, then I’d be surrendering myself to her completely, and you’ll perhaps agree with me that she shouldn’t buy a pig in a poke. So I can ask your advice and so you must begin by telling me if you still correspond with her. Now there’s something else. At the moment I’m absolutely unable even to get engaged, since a change in my circumstances is imminent, which I’ll write to you about some other time. I hope that everything will be in order by this summer, but before then I don’t have enough certainty. So keep what I’m writing to you about to yourself, for I’ve written to no one about it and I’ve only spoken to her brother, who feels I should wait a little, at least until my affairs are settled. And how are things with you, little sister. Are you living happily, or rather are you really into life?

For my part I feel that I’ve lived too much through the eyes and feelings of others, and that although I like reading and paintings there is something more that I know exists and that I’m not into it. Living simply with nature without poetry that comes from somewhere other than your own heart and own thoughts, that is the true thing. Certainly, everyone has that well-spring and it’s just a question of arranging life so that that spring wells up. Certainly, encouragement from outside is part of it, and that consists of two large components. In the first place mixing with congenial souls, and secondly, but that is an aid, by seeking it from other poets. That seeking is so difficult, and is actually sterile if one isn’t into real life oneself. I hope for your sake that you find much sympathy and some happiness in your life. How is your work and your writing getting along? Do you still have a great love of nature? How is it at home? And how is your health? There, a whole lot of questions, and I’m sure that you’ll soon answer them. Spring is slowly coming here, but it was raw and cold for oh so long. Now it’s becoming lovely, and people, like nature, sometimes thaw out when the sun shines. I needed that oh so much. Now little sister, a hearty kiss, and don’t grumble too much that I kept you waiting so long. Just think that it was winter and that that’s over now. Good-day and ever yours, Theo.’

"Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives."
―Albert Einstein

"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection."

Later Preziosi, Namaste! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Ven Ago 04, 2017 07:39    Oggetto: PROMETEO 26/07/17 MATERA Teatri Uniti BASILICATA, recensione Rispondi citando

ha scritto:

PROMETEO” / PREZIOSI, Auditorium Gervasio

”Titano” A MATERA tra fascino e professionalità

Con tanti interrogativi su cosa sia il Bene e cosa sia il Male, nei panni del Titano PROMETEO, protagonista della nota trilogia di Eschilo, tra tanti fans che a Matera l’attendevano in piazza del Sedile, il bravo attore Alessandro Preziosi ha confermato con la sua interpretazione che certezza, professionalità, simpatia e fascino trovano nel culto della bellezza (non solo fisica ma soprattutto culturale) un fattore importante di relazione con gli altri. Selfies e autografi a iosa, baci, abbracci, strette di mano hanno suggellato ancora una volta il rapporto con Matera e con gli appassionati dei ”classici” nel corso della serata organizzata dal consorzio Teatri Uniti di Basilicata per la Stagione teatrale Estate 2017A teatro fra i magici luoghi della Basilicata”. La recita del monologo avrebbe dovuto tenersi sulla terrazza di Palazzo Lanfranchi, ma le avverse condizioni climatiche hanno consigliato di rimediare (giustamente) sull’unica struttura coperta e disponibile della città. [...]
E a proposito di temperature l’attore, come ha commentato sul palco, avrebbe preferito la fresca brezza della terrazza Lanfranchi rispetto al clima asciutto dell’Auditorium. Ma in condizioni di emergenza non si poteva fare di più. E meno male che gli annunciati lavori di riqualificazione del ”Roberto Gervasio” non erano ancora iniziati. Altrimenti sarebbe stato un dilemma shakespeariano. [...]

Franco Martina, 27/0/17; originale pubblicato via Blog

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MessaggioInviato: Ven Ago 04, 2017 11:47    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Vedere a Alessandro Preziosi interpretare a Vincent Van Gogh in questo spettacolo, è un regalo per lo spettatore, perché sveglia tutti i tuoi sensi, perfino quelli che credevi che non esistevano, perché Alessandro è intenso, spettacolare, sublime, grandioso, magnifico, superiore, ci fa godere di un attore al 100% che dà tutto (come fa sempre, ma questa volta è un ruolo troppo forte e intenso), che riempie l'intero il palcoscenico (sempre bianco, tutto bianco) con la sua presenza, di multipli colori magici.

Bravo, bravissimo Ale per questo spectacolo e per il tuo lavoro, tanto intenso, forte e sferzante... e come direbbero nel mio paese: OLÉ!!!

Tanti baci con grande affetto da Madrid.

TVTB Ale!!

La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.

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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Sab Ago 05, 2017 03:50    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in this message that Theo wrote to his sister "Wil" he discusses some books she sent and how, since his last correspondence, he and Vincent have made peace. "Wil", by the way, was the sister with whom Vincent was the closest. She was the youngest and only sister with which he corresponded frequently. Later in life she shared similar psychological ailments with Vincent. On December 4, 1902, "Wil" was admitted to the psychiatric institution in Veldwijk where she stayed until her death in 1941 at the age of 79.

From: Theo van Gogh
To: Willemien van Gogh.
Date: Paris, April 25, 1887

‘The books that you all sent to Vincent are wonderful, and I’m also profiting from them. I’ve finished A la recherche du bonheur and find it magnificent. Vincent read it too and found it very beautiful. A great deal has changed since I wrote to you all last. We have made peace, because it served no good to carry on in that way. I hope that it will last. So for the time being there’ll be no change, and I’m glad of that. I would find it odd living on my own again, and he wouldn’t have gained anything by it either. I’ve asked him to stay. It will strike you as odd after what I wrote to you recently, but it isn’t weakness on my part, and since I feel much stronger than I did last winter I have high hopes that I’ll be able to bring about an improvement in our relations. We’re already far enough apart that it would have served no good purpose to rend relations even further. I’ve read L’oeuvre that you write about, and before I read it I also thought, in keeping with the review, that there was much of the main character in Vincent.

But that isn’t the case. That painter sought the unattainable, while Vincent loves what is far too much to fall into that trap. As to Zola’s books in general, I find them very beautiful, but I agree with you that it isn’t essential reading matter for Dutch girls. It’s a different matter here, where women’s lives are so much freer, and I believe it can’t do any harm, for Zola is absolutely not what many people wrongly think, a writer of vulgar things. He portrays the groups of people, miners, workers etc. as groups, just as they are, with their good and their bad sides, and lets a carter speak and act just like a carter, and shows both the good and the bad sides in those people. I believe that for those who wish to know the world that is the kind of reading matter from which one can learn a great deal; but just as a peasant can live off potatoes and rye bread and you can’t, likewise those books, according to me, are too heavy for some, and it’s certainly not necessary to overburden the stomach.’

“That I was not suited to commerce or academic study in no way proves that I should also be unfit to be a painter.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"But such is the irresistable nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants is the liberty of appearing."
―Thomas Paine

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
―William Shakespeare

Later Preziosi, Ciao! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Helena x

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MessaggioInviato: Sab Ago 05, 2017 08:56    Oggetto: Ciao.... Rispondi citando






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MessaggioInviato: Dom Ago 06, 2017 03:18    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, here's a short note that Theo wrote to his sister, "Lies."
By the way, Apparently, "Lies" made a name for herself when she wrote a book about Vincent, Personal Reminiscences of an Artist, which was first published in 1910. The book however, became quite controversial due to a number of discrepancies. So now we know why Vincent dubbed her "Lies." Because she was a known Liar. Mystery solved! Laughing

From: Theo van Gogh
To: Elisabeth van Gogh.
Date: Paris, May 15, 1887

‘Vincent is still working hard and is making progress. His paintings are becoming lighter, and his great quest is to get sunlight into them. He’s an odd fellow, but what a head he has on him, it’s enviable.’

“To understand blue you must first understand yellow and orange”
― Vincent van Gogh

"But in truth, should I meet with gold or spices in great quantity, I shall remain till I collect as much as possible, and for this purpose I am proceeding solely in quest of them."
―Christopher Columbus

"And what, Socrates, is the food of the soul? Surely, I said, knowledge is the food of the soul."

Later Preziosi, Namaste! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Lun Ago 07, 2017 02:57    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, Here are two short messages.

In the first one, Theo wrote to his mother Anna regarding Vincent and a picture dealer.

The second is a message that Théophile Peyron wrote to Vincent on July 1, 1890 regarding an account he wished to settle with him when Vincent left Saint-Rémy.

From: Theo van Gogh
To: Anna Cornelia van Gogh-Carbentus.
Date: Paris, October 31, 1887

‘It is Sunday here tomorrow (All Saints). With Vincent and an English acquaintance we are going to spend part of the day with a picture dealer who likes Vincent’s work a lot.’

From: Théophile Peyron
To: Vincent van Gogh
Date: Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, Tuesday, July 1, 1890

'Dear Sir,
Following your instructions, I am sending you a postal order for 20 francs, the remainder of the amount that I had in my possession. I see with pleasure that your health continues to be satisfactory, and that your life in the midst of this world of artists is spent more pleasantly than here.
I shall be happy to hear of your future successes in the various exhibitions in which you will take part.

With my sincerest regards.
Dr T. Peyron

“I have tried to express the idea that the café is a place where one can ruin oneself, go mad, or commit a crime.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"Truth is majestic and sweet. In the world there is no other savior but the truth."

"Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life. The evening beam that smiles the clouds away, and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray."
―Lord Byron

Later Preziosi, Ciao! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
Messaggi: 283
Residenza: USA

MessaggioInviato: Mar Ago 08, 2017 02:44    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in this letter that Theo wrote to his sister, "Wil", Theo discusses his feelings of loneliness, Vincent's health and work and how attached they have become to each other.

From: Theo van Gogh
To: Willemien van Gogh.
Date: Paris, February 24 and 26, 1888

Dear Wil,
For a long time I have been wanting to write to you again and I’m doing so now because I need to tell you that I’m alone again. Vincent left for the south last Sunday, first to Arles to get his bearings and then probably on to Marseille. The new school of painters tries above all to get light and sun into paintings, and you can well understand that the grey days lately have supplied little material for subjects. Moreover, the cold was making him ill. The years of so much worry and adversity haven’t made him any stronger, and he felt a definite need for rather milder air.

A day and a night’s travel and one is there, so the temptation was great and he accordingly decided swiftly to go there. I believe that it will definitely do him good, both physically and for his work. When he came here two years ago I never thought that we’d become so attached to each other, for there’s definitely an emptiness now that I’m alone in the apartment again. If I find someone I will live with him, but it’s not easy to replace someone like Vincent. It’s incredible how much he knows and what a clear view he has of the world.

So I’m sure that if he has a certain number of years yet to live he’ll make a name for himself. It was through him that I came into contact with many painters who regarded him very highly. He’s one of the champions of new ideas, that’s to say there’s nothing new under the sun and it would therefore be more correct to speak of the regeneration of old ideas that have been corrupted and diminished by the daily grind. In addition, he has such a big heart that he’s always looking to do something for others, unfortunately for those who cannot or will not understand him.

Since I had put my letter to one side, which I do more often if they’re not thrown straight into the fire, I can now tell you a little more about him and also send you a letter from him. He has arrived in Arles, and found 50 centimetres of snow there, which isn’t exactly what he’d been expecting, but he writes that he has made three studies all the same, which he wouldn’t have been able to do in Paris at this time, and he goes on to say: “At times it seems to me that my blood is more or less ready to start circulating again, which wasn’t the case the last few months, I really couldn’t stand it any more.” I hope that the milder air will do him good.
I think that I’ll be getting a young painter, “Koning”, to come and live with me at the beginning of next month.

He isn’t nearly as skilful as Vincent, but it will be more companionable than being on my own. How is your drawing coming along? Is it a success, or have you given it up? Will you let me know if there’s anything you need? I would so much like to know if there’s anything I can do for you. You mustn’t be angry if you don’t get any more letters. Vincent started writing to you ten times and I’ve read more letters to you than you’ve received from him, but sometimes one begins rattling away if one has finally got started, and then it’s better to start afresh. But his letters are always interesting, which is why it’s a pity that he doesn’t write more. Bid Ma good-day from me, and tell her that I’ll write to her this week. Warm regards, and believe me your loving


"Every man must bear his own burden.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"What is against truth cannot be just"
― Saint Augustine

"Not life, but good life, is to be chiefly valued."
― Socrates

Later Preziosi, Namaste! me

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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