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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Mar Ago 08, 2017 07:22    Oggetto: -TOTO' oltre la maschera- reading 27/08/17 Certosa di CAPRI Rispondi citando

Alessandro Preziosi, e Daniele Bonaviri alla chitarra,

reading CAPRI domenica 27 agosto 2017, ore 21:30

Certosa San Giacomo "TOTO' OLTRE LA MASCHERA"

omaggio ad Antonio De Curtis a 50 anni dalla morte

    "farò uno spettacolo sulla vita di Totò, un simbolo
    della leggerezza che ha pervaso la mia infanzia

[Foto: Nicola Cerzosimo - Serramezzana - Parco Nazionale del Cilento]

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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Mar Ago 08, 2017 12:56    Oggetto: ARMONIE D'ARTE 25/07 recensione: NATUZZA Canto alla bellezza Rispondi citando


        "NATUZZA. Canto alla bellezza"

        PARCO Archeologico "SCOLACIUM"
        Roccelletta di BORGIA
        25 luglio '17

        voce narrante : Alessandro Preziosi

ha scritto:

. Il “canto” alla bellezza di Dio di Natuzza Evolo

Nell’oratorio scritto dal vescovo Renzo su musica di Palermo, la storia della mistica di Mileto. Il presule: «Un cuore di mamma» Voce narrante di Alessandro Preziosi

Le antiche pietre del Parco “Scolacium” di Roccelletta di Borgia hanno ospitato la prima uscita ufficiale dell’Oratorio musicale sacro “Natuzza. Canto alla bellezza”, scritto da Luigi Renzo, vescovo di Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea, con le partiture musicali di Vincenzo Palermo e la voce recitante dell’attore Alessandro Preziosi. Un evento inserito nella rassegna “Armonie d’Arte Festival”, con la coproduzione televisiva di Life Communication. Ad aprire la serata Domenico Gareri e Chiara Giordano, presidente della Fondazione Armonie d’Arte e direttore della stessa rassegna. «Natuzza Evolo rappresenta per tutti noi – ha detto la Giordano – la miracolosa possibilità di sentire tutto il tepore della fede, della fiducia, oltre il limite delle umane faccende e degli umani steccati». Un omaggio è stato dedicato anche a Papa Francesco con il mezzosoprano di origini calabresi Stella Feroleto, che ha eseguito il celebre brano Dolce sentire.
L’opera, come atto unico di parole e musica, ha trasmesso a tutti forti emozioni con il prezioso messaggio umano e spirituale e con le melodie dell’orchestra diretta da Maurizio Dones. In scena, tra gli altri, Sarah Baratta (soprano), Luca Bruno (baritono), Bruno Di Girolamo (clarinetto concertante), Albarosa Di Lieto e Emanuela De Zarlo (arpe), Ilaria Ganeri (pianoforte). Il Coro Lirico Cilea è stato diretto da Bruno Tirotta; mentre Alexandra Rudakova ha diretto il Coro di voci bianche dell’Accademia Gustav Mahler. Renzo a fine serata ha evidenziato come «Natuzza ha saputo entrare con cuore di mamma in questa grande partitura divina di Bellezza universale». Soddisfatto anche Alessandro Preziosi: «Non vedo l’ora di sognarmi Natuzza, dopo aver fatto questo bellissimo lavoro»

Giovanni Scarpino, Borgia © RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA

AVVENIRE _ Agorà _ Spettacoli _ pagina 20; 5 e 6 agosto 2017

FOTO di Antonio Raffaele; tratte da Armonie d'Arte Festival, pagina Facebook ufficiale

e la rassegna stampa selezionata sull'evento sono consultabili nelle pagine precedenti


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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Mar Ago 08, 2017 13:25    Oggetto: VINCENT VAN GOGH. L'odore assordante del bianco - TOUR 2018 Rispondi citando

VINCENT VAN GOGH. L'odore assordante del bianco

di STEFANO MASSINI con regia di Alessandro Maggi

| nel ruolo del protagonista ALESSANDRO PREZIOSI

prima nazionale '17 NAPOLI TEATRO FESTIVAL Italia

produz. KHORA.teatro |TSA Teatro Stabile d'Abruzzo

e in collaborazione con il FESTIVAL DI SPOLETO 60

TOUR TEATRALE 2018 | calendario provvisorio Khora.teatro

      dal 20 al 21 gennaioFERMO, Teatro DELL’AQUILA
      . AMAT Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali
      - Residenza di Riallestimento

      23 gennaio 2018 - ESTE (PD), Teatro FARINELLI
      . ArteVEN Circuito Teatrale Regionale
      . Teatro Stabile del Veneto, Teatro Nazionale
      . Regione del Veneto e MiBACT

      dal 24 al 28 gennaio - VENEZIA MESTRE, Teatro TONIOLO
      . ArteVEN Circuito Teatrale Regionale

      dal 31 gennaio al 4 febbraio - TRIESTE, Politeama ROSSETTI
      - Teatro di Rilevante Interesse Culturale

      dal 6 al 11 febbraio - FIRENZE, Teatro della PERGOLA
      . TEATRO DELLA TOSCANA, Teatro Nazionale

      dal 13 febbraio al 4 marzo - ROMA, Teatro ELISEO

      6 marzoSULMONA (AQ), Teatro Com.le Maria CANIGLIA
      . ACS Abruzzo Circuito Spettacolo

      dal 7 all'8 marzo - TERAMO, Teatro Comunale
      . ACS Abruzzo Circuito Spettacolo

      dal 9 all'11 marzo - BOLOGNA, Teatro DUSE

      dal 13 al 14 marzo - L'AQUILA, Ridotto del Teatro Comunale
      . TEATRO STABILE D'ABRUZZO, Ente Teatrale Regionale

      dal 15 al 18 marzo - SALERNO, Teatro Municipale VERDI
      . Teatro Pubblico Campano

      dal 20 al 25 marzo - NAPOLI, Teatro MERCADANTE
      . TEATRO STABILE DI NAPOLI, Teatro Nazionale

      27 marzo - URBINO (PU), Teatro SANZIO
      . AMAT Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali

      28 marzo - RECANATI (MC), Teatro Giuseppe PERSIANI
      . AMAT Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali

      dal 6 all'8 aprile - TREVISO, Teatro Com.le DEL MONACO
      . Teatri e Umanesimo Latino SpA
      - Incontri: sabato 7 aprile, ore 18.00 Dialoghi sul teatro

      dal 10 al 12 aprileTHIENE (VI), Teatro Comunale
      . ArteVEN Circuito Teatrale Regionale

      dal 14 al 15 aprileCHIETI, Teatro MARRUCINO

rassegna stampa e commenti Exclamation I NOSTRI INCONTRI di Alessandro

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questo è l'unico sito web personale aperto dall'artista


L'ultima modifica di genziana il Sab Nov 18, 2017 05:38, modificato 5 volte
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Registrato: 07/01/11 10:40
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MessaggioInviato: Mar Ago 08, 2017 13:31    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Tanti baci con grande affetto da Madrid.


La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.

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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Mer Ago 09, 2017 03:13    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in this letter that Theo wrote to Willemien on December 6, 1888, he talks about Vincent, De Haan, Isaäcson, Millet, Gauguin, Monet and Degas.

From: Theo van Gogh
To: Willemien van Gogh.
Date: Paris, December 6, 1888

‘De Haan is a great painter who feels strongly attracted to the movement here, and as a result has a very great deal to worry about, since he clearly recognizes the uselessness of part of his earlier work but nonetheless realizes that he has made a few superb things since he has been here. His earlier work has something of Vincent’s work from Nuenen, but it doesn’t have Vincent’s tempestuousness but instead something resigned and Rembrandtesque that isn’t to be disdained.

Isaäcson is far more fanatical, which in my opinion hampers his work; he hasn’t a bean and so he has it far from easy. If he didn’t have the good De Haan I don’t know how he’d get by. He busily paints portraits in families, above all to get the money for models. Both are extremely clever fellows as far as their brains are concerned, so they make interesting company. Since De Haan is weak he almost always stays at home, which is why rather more people drop by and we have a rather convivial time. It was through him that I visited a family where the piano was played beautifully. Do you still remember the painting by Gauguin with the negresses that hangs above the couch? He recently sent twenty paintings to me at the gallery that he’d made in Brittany last year.

You know, if you can see the painting in your mind’s eye, what a strange poetry there is in it. Now, the new paintings have the same thing, but since the subjects are closer to hand they’re easier to understand, and if they aren’t more beautiful they are more immediately enjoyable. There are winter landscapes with grey-green hills against the leaden sky where the color is completely muted, and then one can’t help thinking of the inclemency of the undulating fields. Or the same landscape but with a few beech trees with the reddish brown withered leaves as a contrast to the green. There are also spring landscapes with the delicate branches of the trees from which the young leaves hang like little bells and tell of the jubilance of nature rejuvenated.

Or a small village in the first days of spring hidden in a purple haze behind the more deeply colored tree-trunks, the bright green leaves of which find their echo in the green fields that one sees stretching out against the hill in the distance beyond the village. You’d have to see them to get an idea of how diversely he expresses himself, and above all to sense the different moods in which he made them. Mostly the calm nature that fills his inner being with resignation, but sometimes also the fierce upwelling of all his suffering and struggles, which he expresses through the most powerful, deepest tones that reverberate above all when he saw nature swelling up under the benevolent and creative power of the sun.

It’s impossible to describe everything that there is in those paintings, but it turns out that he’s even greater than anyone had supposed. The same thing could happen with him as formerly happened with Millet, who is now understood by everyone because the poetry he proclaimed is so powerful that everyone, from great to small, finds it satisfying. Monet, too, makes superb scenes of nature, but one has to be happy and healthy oneself to enjoy them, otherwise one might think: “Oh, if only I was there, then I’d be happy”.

While from Gauguin consoling words are whispered, as it were, to those who are not happy or healthy. With him, nature itself speaks, while with Monet one hears the maker of the paintings speaking. Degas is surprisingly taken with Gauguin’s work. So much so that he wants to go to Arles to visit him. “Lucky dogs,” says Degas of Vincent and Gauguin, “that’s the life”. I don’t need to tell you what that means coming from the lips of the great Degas, who himself has such an understanding of life in its fullness. Vincent hasn’t sent me anything in a long time, but I suspect from his letters that he has made beautiful things. Gauguin’s company is naturally worth a great deal to him, and it’s absorbing him quite a lot at the moment. He recently painted portraits, and above all he seems to be satisfied with them. It’s in the figure that he finds the highest expression of his art.’

“But in order to achieve that noble shade of yellow I achieved last summer I simply had to give myself quite a boost.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"I can Nourish myself on nothing but truth."
― Saint Therese of Lisieux

"Look twice before you leap."
― Charlotte Bronte

Later Preziosi, Ciao! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Gio Ago 10, 2017 02:36    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in this note, Félix Rey gives Theo information concerning Vincent's condition, such as, how his superior diagnosed him with "general insanity." Lol! Laughing Needless to say, "general insanity" is no longer considered to be a proper medical diagnosis, at least, not in America. Nope! Patients are now diagnosed as having either bipolar disorder, organic brain syndromes, schizophrenia, among other psychotic disorders.

From: Félix Rey
To: Theo van Gogh.
Date: Arles, December 29, 1888

‘Dear Sir,
As I promised you when you left Arles, I am hastening to give you the information you may wish concerning your brother’s condition:
His mental state seems to have worsened since Wednesday. The day before yesterday, he got into bed with another patient and refused to leave, despite my comments. He then chased the senior nurse in his nightshirt, and refuses to allow anyone whatsoever to approach his bed. He rose yesterday to wash himself in the coal-bucket.

I had no choice yesterday but to confine him to separate quarters. My superior drew up a certificate of mental illness today, in which he diagnosed general insanity and requesting special treatment in an institution.
We await the mayor’s instruction to commit him to the regional asylum; he is being closely guarded in a room.
With my sincerest regards,
Rey Félix’

Chief house physician
Bouches du Rhône – Arles –

"I believe more and more that God must not be judged harshly on this earth. It is one of His sketches that has turned out badly.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"Truths kindle light for truths."
― Lucretius

"Pound's crazy. All poets are. They have to be. You don't put a poet like Pound in the loony bin."
― Ernest Hemingway

Later Preziosi, Namaste! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 07/01/11 10:40
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MessaggioInviato: Gio Ago 10, 2017 12:08    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Tanti baci con grande affetto da Madrid.


La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.

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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Ven Ago 11, 2017 02:20    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in this letter, Vincent's mother Anna goes on and on to the "Poor brother of Vincent, sweet, dearest Theo" about her sorrow regarding his condition. After reading this letter I have a pretty good idea where some
of Vincent's problems stemmed from. Wink

From: Anna van Gogh-Carbentus
To: Theo van Gogh.
Date: Leiden, December 29, 1888

'My dear Theo!
I was deeply moved by your letter. Oh Theo, what sorrow. Thank you for your love for the unhappy Vincent. God be with him and us. Oh, the poor boy! I had hoped things were going well and thought he could quietly devote himself to his work! I had just written him a note to tell him what Israëls and the others had said about his work, and for the New Year, because don’t think I forgot him. Oh Theo, what will happen now, how will things turn out? I would almost say, if only he would become really ill, it would bring things to a head, but he already is very ill, you might say, the worst that one could imagine. My consolation is that he is a child of our heavenly Father, and He will neither fail nor forsake him.

If it was for me to say, I would ask, ‘Take him unto Thee’, but we must take things as God gives them. Oh Theo, if it is borne out, you remember what Prof. Ramaar in The Hague said – when Pa so much wanted him to go with him as a nerve patient, and Vincent said he was willing to go and ask for medicine, and just when they were supposed to leave, he refused and Pa went anyway to tell him – and he said, from what I now hear something is missing or wrong in the little brain. Poor thing, I believe he was always ill, and what he and we have suffered are the consequences of it. Poor brother of Vincent, sweet, dearest Theo, you too have been very worried and troubled because of him, your great love, wasn’t it too heavy a burden, and now you’ve again done what you could, Wil went to The Hague today, how disappointed she will be too, I am grievously saddened and anyway you will no doubt send me news as often as possible, honestly Theo, if things get even worse and Aix has to happen, tell me everything, otherwise I’ll think even worse.

What a coincidence, your hoping for happiness now, and this deep sorrow, may she be a comfort to you, but Theo, I didn’t say anything, I wrote nothing to Jo before you had your answer from Amsterdam. Write to me as soon as you know anything, although I am saddened with grief, I can however be glad about happiness and being the bearer of good news, Jo and Anna also wanted to write. Oh Theo, must the year end with such a disaster? Where is Aix? Such suffering for both of you, how he must feel it all, how touching about Zundert, together on one pillow. Goodbye, dear Theo, may God be near with His comfort, and if possible bring help. God bless the remedies. Thanks for your love, God bless your endeavours. Anna is also sad, Jo and Wil are not at home. A kiss from your ma.’

“Lord, keep my thoughts green! That is something one should say over and over again.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"We have the obligation to speak the truth but we don't have to convince anyone."
― Mother Teresa

"The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell."
― Confucius

Later Preziosi, Ciao Ciao! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Ven Ago 11, 2017 07:33    Oggetto: PROMETEO 15/09/17 Carpi 22:00, FESTIVAL FILOSOFIA sulle ARTI Rispondi citando

"PROMETEO" reading di e con Alessandro PREZIOSI

produzione: KHORA.teatro - live set di Paky Di Maio

ven. 15 settembre 22:00 CARPI (MO) piazza Martiri


con il Patrocinio di CNI Unesco; Programma creativo

x gli appuntamenti della rassegna: ingresso gratuito

L’edizione 2017 del FestivalFILOSOFIA, in programma dal 15 al 17 settembre nel territorio Modena-Carpi-Sassuolo, sarà dedicata alle Arti e ne esplorerà la radice comune con le tecniche, che si manifesta negli oggetti “fatti ad arte”, con la maestria che accomuna artisti e artigiani in tutti i campi del produrre, anche quelli ad alta tecnologia. Si indagherà il carattere artificiale non solo delle opere, ma della stessa umanità nell’epoca in cui le biotecnologie permettono la manipolazione e riproduzione della vita. E si punterà a guardare dentro le officine e gli atelier, per far emergere i procedimenti e le forme della creazione artistica contemporanea.

      [foto di Federico Massari]


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Registrato: 07/01/11 10:40
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Residenza: Madrid (España)

MessaggioInviato: Ven Ago 11, 2017 10:25    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Miei cari amici,

Buon fine settimana e buone vacanze a tutti Razz Razz !!

Tanti baci con grandissimo affetto da Madrid Wink Wink !!


La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.

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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Sab Ago 12, 2017 02:31    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, in this letter that "Wil" wrote to Theo she talks about how terrible she feels regarding Vincent's condition. Interestedly, as I previously stated, Willemien herself eventually ended up in a psychiatric institution at Ermelo with the diagnosis of "dementia praecox", which at the time was considered a fatal illness.

"dementia praecox" (a "premature dementia" or "precocious madness") is another disused psychiatric diagnosis. Over the years, the term was gradually replaced by "schizophrenia." Now, did she really have schizophrenia? I doubt it. Was she even really mentally ill? Who knows. Unfortunately, she lived in an era, where, if you even looked at someone the wrong way you were labeled a "lunatic" by society and sent a one way ticket to the asylum where the "real lunatics" were the ones running the place.

From: Willemien van Gogh
To: Theo van Gogh.
Date: Leiden, December 30, 1888

‘Dearest Theo,
What terrible news I heard when I got home yesterday. You understand how it affected me, and I understand so well what you must be feeling. Poor, poor Vincent, it was foreseeable that such a thing should happen if it didn’t go the other way. But it’s so terrible. Do tell me in as much detail as possible how he is. How wonderful that you could go to him. When you write in this way, he becomes for me very different from an ordinary patient whom no one knows anything about. You won’t keep anything back, will you, and tell everything exactly as it is? You don’t know how much I’d like to go to him. If he were dying, I would, I have the money for it. Do the doctors talk only about mental faculties, which will probably not return, or do they fear for his life?

It is those very moments of consciousness, and that he is alone then, that I find so terrible. Did you get the impression that he feels his own suffering very badly? I find it so fortunate for you that it didn’t happen last year when you were so alone. Now, with De Haan with you, and Jo, it’s surely easier to bear. How your whole heart must be with him. Touching, that story about the little room you two had in Zundert. Could I write to him? Do tell me where he is. And the exact truth about how he is. Do you hear something from a doctor now and then? Could it have been foreseen, did Gauguin see it coming, did he notice more than usual recently, or did something happen to cause the outburst?

And you just happened to write that he himself was satisfied with what he’d made. I’m re-reading your letter about that, who is the man who has taken an interest in him, is it that postman? Fortunate that there’s at least someone. Sadness and happiness go together in a strange way ... I think of Vincent all the time, if only he wasn’t so far away. Ma is also so upset about it. But what a difficult life, and how difficult things have always been for him. If only he could ever find some peace. That is possible, isn’t it, or is it too much a physical illness? I feel so awfully sorry for him, and I wish he knew that. Now dear Theo, the new year will also bring light and darkness, but I hope that there will be much light for you through all things. With a hearty kiss, ever

your Wil

One of these days you’ll get Vincent’s money that I have for safe-keeping.’

"Be of good heart.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"The wise man delights in the truth and follows the law of the awakened."

"Teach not thy lip such scorn, for it was made For kissing, lady, not for such contempt."
― William Shakespeare

Later Preziosi, Namaste! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Dom Ago 13, 2017 03:23    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

In this letter, Alessandro, Félix Rey is writing to Theo to give him an update on his brothers condition. Lol! I love how this Doctor/intern was always "hastening" to give Theo the information he requested, probably because he was trying to cover his tracks. Who knows what really happened in the asylum, the guy didn't exactly give Theo any real details, the treatment methods he used, etc...

Rey also claimed, in this letter, that when he tried to get Vincent to talk about the motive that drove him to cut off his ear, he replied that it was a purely personal matter. Yeah, because Vincent was protecting Gauguin who I believe was the one who really did it. In fact, in his last letter to Gauguin, van Gogh said that the two of them should “keep quiet” about the incident. Hmmm...🤔

I also don't think van Gogh was as "crazy" as he has been made out to have been. I think all these "lunatic" stories about him have been highly exaggerated, probably because "insanity" sells. People pay more attention. It's a more interesting read. I doubt he would even be remembered today without them.

By the way, after Vincent allegedly cut off his ear and allegedly gave it to a prostitute. A policeman eventually gave the severed ear to Dr. Rey, and according to Dr. Rey in a later interview, it was kept in a jar of alcohol in his office until one day it was stolen. Lol! So bizarre! Laughing

From: Félix Rey
To: Theo van Gogh.
Date: Arles, December 30, 1888

‘Dear Sir
I hasten to reply to your letter and to give you information concerning your brother’s condition. I shall tell you straightaway that it is very difficult to give categorical answers to all the questions that you ask me. Nevertheless, I shall give you my personal assessment.

The Protestant minister, Mr Salles, came looking for me this evening, and we went to visit him. He was very calm and seemed perfectly well. When he saw me enter his room he told me that he wished to have as little as possible to do with me. He remembered, no doubt, that it was I who had had him locked up. I then assured him that I was his friend and that I wished to see him recovered soon.

I did not hide his situation from him, and explained to him why he was in a room by himself. I told him that his crises did not allow me to leave him in the wards, among all our patients. We talked like that for a little while, and then parted good friends. He asked me to write to you and to give you news of him, something that he did not want at the beginning of our discussion. When I tried to get him to talk about the motive that drove him to cut off his ear, he replied that it was a purely personal matter.

In short, I find that his condition has improved a little, and I do not believe his life is in danger, at least not for the moment. He is eating fairly well and his physical strength is helping him bear his crises. My assessment is that he will be able to recover in a short time, while retaining the extreme excitability that must form the essence of his character. We are currently tending to his ear alone, and certainly not to his mental state. His wound is much better and is not causing us any concern.

A few days ago, we issued a certificate of mental disturbance. The mayor signed an order leaving him in the hospital for the time being, while awaiting his transfer to an asylum. During this time, the chief of police will carry out his enquiry, and then the Prefect will give instructions for him to be taken to Aix or Marseille.
I myself was a house physician in Marseille a few months ago, and I should be glad to recommend him to the colleague who took my place and who is a good friend of mine.

Despite that, I shall permit myself to ask you a question and to offer you a piece of advice. Would you like to have your brother in an asylum close to Paris? Do you have resources? If so, you may very well send him to look for one; his condition easily allows him to make the journey. The matter has not progressed so far that it could not be halted, and for the chief of police to suspend his report. This is the information that I had to offer you concerning your poor brother.

You ask me for my assessment; I shall give you it for what it is worth. I shall always be delighted to give you news of him, because I too have a brother; I too have been far away from my family. In a few months, when I submit my doctoral thesis in Paris, I too should be happy if somebody were able to take an interest in me at a difficult moment.

With my sincerest regards,
Rey Fe’

“There are idlers and idlers, who form a contrast.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"Beauty is the brilliance of truth"
― Saint Augustine

"We must not show to all and sundry the secrets of the waters flowing in ocean and river, or the devices that work on these waters. Let there be convened a council of experts and masters in mechanical art to deliberate what is needed to compose and construct these works."
― Filippo Brunelleschi

Later Preziosi, Ciao Ciao! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
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MessaggioInviato: Lun Ago 14, 2017 04:05    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

In this letter, Alessandro, Joseph Roulin is writing to Willemien to inform her that Vincent has fully recovered and left the hospital. Joseph Roulin was a postman who was van Gogh's close friend when he was staying in Arles during 1888-1889. He painted about 20 paintings for him and his family. While painting "Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roulin" van Gogh wrote to Theo, “I am now at work with another model, a postman in blue uniform, trimmed with gold, a big bearded face, very like Socrates.”

From: Joseph Roulin
To: Willemien van Gogh.
Date: Arles, January 8, 1889

'I acknowledge receipt of your kind letter, by which you do me too great an honor, and I hasten to reply in order to inform you that your dear brother Vincent has fully recovered, he left the hospital today on the 7th instant. What has delayed my reply by 24 hours is that we spent the whole day together, and I ask you to write to him. I have not given him your letter because he would be too distressed to know that he has caused you so much trouble. When you send him your news, let him remain unaware that you had knowledge of the causes of his illness, and tell him that you learned through your brother in Paris that he was unwell and that you are very pleased that he has recovered.

We talked at length today about you and about your mother.
Thank you for the kind things that you say about my wife and our little daughter. Reassure yourself about the health of my good friend Vincent; I am with him whenever my work permits me, and if anything should happen I would let you know at once. I do not believe I deserve all the thanks that you give me, but I shall always strive to deserve my friend Vincent’s respect, as well as that of all those who are dear to him. Permit me to pay my respects, and those of my family, to your mother.
I ask you, Mademoiselle, to accept the sincere greetings of your good brother Vincent’s friend.’

"What is drawing? How does one learn it? It is working through an invisible iron wall that seems to stand between what one feels and what one can do.”
― Vincent van Gogh

"You cannot change the truth, but the truth can change you."
― Buddha

"How great are the dangers I face to win a good name in Athens."
― Alexander the Great

Later Preziosi, Namaste! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
Messaggi: 283
Residenza: USA

MessaggioInviato: Mar Ago 15, 2017 03:32    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, here is the Petition, signed by 30 citizens of Arles, requesting that Mayor Jacques Tardieu have van Gogh committed, shortly before February 27, 1889. Probably drawn up by François Damase Crévoulin, the first signatory.

‘Dear Mr Mayor
We the undersigned, residents of place Lamartine in the city of Arles, have the honor to inform you that for some time and on several occasions the man named Vood (Vincent), a landscape painter and a Dutch subject, living in the above square, has demonstrated that he is not in full possession of his mental faculties, and that he over-indulges in drink, after which he is in a state of over-excitement such that he no longer knows what he is doing or what he is saying, and very unpredictable towards the public, a cause for fear to all the residents of the neighbourhood, and especially to women and children.

In view of this, the undersigned have the honor of requesting, in the name of public safety, that the man named Vood (Vincent) return forthwith to his family, or that they complete the formalities required in order to have him admitted to an asylum, so as to prevent any such unfortunate occurrence as is bound to take place one of these days if strong measures are not taken in his regard.

We venture to hope, Mr Mayor, that, taking into consideration the serious interest which we demonstrate here, you will have the great courtesy to give our request the response that it deserves.
We have the honor to be, with the greatest respect, Mr Mayor,
your devoted constituents’

This is followed by 30 signatures, accompanied in some cases by the person’s profession. Only the legible signatures and professions are included below.

D. Crévoulin, grocer; Esprit Lantheaume; Fayard; Viany, retail tobacconist; Siletto François; Claude Reynaud; Conry, blacksmith; Maurice Villaret; Louis Cleheylan; Coste; Julien; Mrs Dayan; François Trouche; E.[?] Coulomb; Aubert Victor, Maréchal; Berthet Adrien, ganger plate-layer; Gion Joseph; Bonifay; the widow Nay; Mayé; the widow Vénissac; Soulè; Chareyre; J. Boissié; A.[?] Charabas.

"If I felt no love for nature and my work, then I would be unhappy."
― Vincent van Gogh

"Truth wears a crown of thorns”
― Saint Faustina Kowalska.

"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents.”
― Marilyn Monroe

Later Preziosi, Ciao! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Mar Ago 15, 2017 11:27    Oggetto: -TOTO' oltre la maschera- reading 27/08/17 Certosa di CAPRI Rispondi citando

Benvenuti siete in Alessandro Preziosi official Forum

serena Festa dell'Assunta e lieto ferragosto a tutti!!!

un pizzico di divertimento con il Principe della Risata

omaggio ad Antonio De Curtis a 50 anni dalla morte

reading CAPRI domenica 27 agosto 2017, ore 21:30

Certosa San Giacomo "TOTO' OLTRE LA MASCHERA"

con Alessandro Preziosi - chitarra di Daniele Bonaviri


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