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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
Messaggi: 37359

MessaggioInviato: Ven Set 22, 2017 05:09    Oggetto: VINCENT VAN GOGH. L'odore assordante del bianco - TOUR 2018 Rispondi citando

ALESSANDRO PREZIOSI nel ruolo di protagonista in

VINCENT VAN GOGH. L'odore assordante del bianco

di STEFANO MASSINI con regia di Alessandro Maggi

scene|costumi Marta Crisolini Malatesta; disegno luci
Valerio Tiberi, Andrea Burgaretta; musiche Giacomo
; supervisione artistica di Alessandro Preziosi

produz. KHORA.teatro |TSA Teatro Stabile d'Abruzzo

_ in collaborazione con il FESTIVAL di SPOLETO 60 _

prima nazionale 27 giugno '17 Napoli Teatro Festival


        Vincent Van Gogh - Alessandro Preziosi
        Dottor Peyron - Francesco Biscione
        Theo Van Gogh - Massimo Nicolini
        Dottor Vernon-Lazàre - Roberto Manzi
        Roland - Vincenzo Zampa
        Gustave - Alessio Genchi

[FOTO ©Francesca Fago _ INFO: KHORATEATRO.IT/vincent-van-gogh-lodore-assordante-del-bianco/]

TOUR TEATRALE 2018 | calendario provvisorio Khora.teatro

      dal 20 al 21 gennaioFERMO, Teatro DELL’AQUILA
      . AMAT Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali
      - Residenza di Riallestimento

      23 gennaio 2018 - ESTE (PD), Teatro FARINELLI
      . ArteVEN Circuito Teatrale Regionale
      . Teatro Stabile del Veneto, Teatro Nazionale
      . Regione del Veneto e MiBACT

      dal 24 al 28 gennaio - VENEZIA MESTRE, Teatro TONIOLO
      . ArteVEN Circuito Teatrale Regionale

      dal 31 gennaio al 4 febbraio - TRIESTE, Politeama ROSSETTI
      - Teatro di Rilevante Interesse Culturale

      dal 6 al 11 febbraio - FIRENZE, Teatro della PERGOLA
      . TEATRO DELLA TOSCANA, Teatro Nazionale

      dal 13 febbraio al 4 marzo - ROMA, Teatro ELISEO

      6 marzoSULMONA (AQ), Teatro Com.le Maria CANIGLIA
      . ACS Abruzzo Circuito Spettacolo

      dal 7 all'8 marzo - TERAMO, Teatro Comunale
      . ACS Abruzzo Circuito Spettacolo

      dal 9 all'11 marzo - BOLOGNA, Teatro DUSE

      dal 13 al 14 marzo - L'AQUILA, Ridotto del Teatro Comunale
      . TEATRO STABILE D'ABRUZZO, Ente Teatrale Regionale

      dal 15 al 18 marzo - SALERNO, Teatro Municipale VERDI
      . Teatro Pubblico Campano

      dal 20 al 25 marzo - NAPOLI, Teatro MERCADANTE
      . TEATRO STABILE DI NAPOLI, Teatro Nazionale

      27 marzo - URBINO (PU), Teatro SANZIO
      . AMAT Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali

      28 marzo - RECANATI (MC), Teatro Giuseppe PERSIANI
      . AMAT Associazione Marchigiana Attività Teatrali

      dal 6 all'8 aprile - TREVISO, Teatro Com.le DEL MONACO
      . Teatri e Umanesimo Latino SpA
      - Incontri: sabato 7 aprile, ore 18.00 Dialoghi sul teatro

      dal 10 al 12 aprileTHIENE (VI), Teatro Comunale
      . ArteVEN Circuito Teatrale Regionale

      dal 14 al 15 aprileCHIETI, Teatro MARRUCINO

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e modifica al messaggio originale. Grazie per la comprensione e la collaborazione

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L'ultima modifica di genziana il Sab Nov 18, 2017 05:35, modificato 2 volte
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
Messaggi: 37359

MessaggioInviato: Ven Set 22, 2017 06:14    Oggetto: FESTIVAL SPOLETO 60 - Alessandro Preziosi è VINCENT VAN GOGH Rispondi citando

rassegna stampa e commenti Exclamation I NOSTRI INCONTRI di Alessandro

Benvenuti! siete in Alessandro Preziosi official Forum

questo è l'unico sito web personale aperto dall'artista


    FOTO di Andrea Kim Mariani/AGF pubblicate da

ALESSANDRO PREZIOSI nel ruolo di protagonista in

VINCENT VAN GOGH. L'odore assordante del bianco

1-2-3 luglio 2017 in scena al Festival di SPOLETO60

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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
Messaggi: 37359

MessaggioInviato: Ven Set 22, 2017 10:16    Oggetto: PROMETEO, reading di PREZIOSI 17/11/2017 Teatro Palazzo BARI Rispondi citando

"PROMETEO" reading di e con Alessandro PREZIOSI

produzione: KHORA.teatro - live set di Paky Di Maio

ven. 17 novembre 2017, BARI Teatro Palazzo 21:00

Alessandro Preziosi dà voce e corpo ad uno dei personaggi più ammirati e discussi della mitologia greca: Prometeo, il titano che ruba il fuoco agli dei contro il volere di Zeus per donare conoscenza, pensiero e facoltà di azione agli uomini. Proprio per aver combattuto con coraggio e generosità la sua battaglia in favore degli uomini, Prometeo verrà condannato da Zeus ad una terribile punizione.

"PROMETEO" rientra nell'Abbonamento 1 in vendita on line come i biglietti singoli: ►

presso i punti vendita bookingshow e presso il botteghino del Teatro PALAZZO di
BARI in Corso Sonnino 142D - PER INFORMAZIONI: 0809753364 - 3661916284

il botteghino rimane aperto dal martedì al sabato - orario: dalle 17:00 alle 21:00

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Registrato: 07/01/11 10:40
Messaggi: 3666
Residenza: Madrid (España)

MessaggioInviato: Ven Set 22, 2017 12:21    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Senza parole .... che cosa posso dire di questo genio chiamato Alessandro Preziosi interpretando magistralmente a un altro genio, Vincent Van Gogh... Due amanti della bellezza e la cultura!!!

Quei giorni di giugno e luglio di un successo straordinario e meritato saranno ripetuti, non ho nessuna dubbi, giorno dopo giorno, quando la tournée comincia il prossimo gennaio.

Prendi forza, mio caro Ale, perché la tournée sarà lungo e il tuo grande e magnifico lavoro in "VINCENT VAN GOGH, l'odore odoroso di bianco" è così esaurendo, intenso, penetrante, faticoso ... che devi finire più che esaurito.

Tanti baci con grande e sincero affetto da Madrid

TVTB Ale!!


La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.

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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
Messaggi: 283
Residenza: USA

MessaggioInviato: Lun Set 25, 2017 11:24    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, among other things, in this letter, van Gogh speaks of a few paintings, being left behind alone in his little yellow house, and the man he and "Pauly" simultaneously nicknamed ‘the passer-by’ Laughing Roulin.

From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Paul Gauguin
Date: Arles, Monday, January 21, 1889

My dear friend Gauguin,
Thanks for your letter. Left behind alone on board my little yellow house — as it was perhaps my duty to be the last to remain here anyway — I’m not a little plagued by the friends’ departure. Roulin has had his transfer to Marseille and has just left. It has been touching to see him these last days with little Marcelle, when he made her laugh and bounce on his knees.

His transfer necessitates his separation from his family, and you won’t be surprised that as a result the man you and I simultaneously nicknamed ‘the passer-by’ one evening had a very heavy heart. Now so did I, witnessing that and other heart-breaking things. His voice as he sang for his child took on a strange timbre in which there was a hint of a woman rocking a cradle or a distressed wet-nurse, and then another sound of bronze, like a clarion from France.

Now I feel remorse at having perhaps, I who so insisted that you should stay here to await events and gave you so many good reasons for doing so, now I feel remorse at having indeed perhaps prompted your departure — unless, however, that departure was premeditated beforehand? And that then it was perhaps up to me to show that I still had the right to be kept frankly au courant.

(Note: Gauguin was considering returning to Paris around mid-December 1888, but changed his mind and decided to stay.)

Whatever the case, I hope we like each other enough to be able to begin again if need be, if penury, alas ever-present for us artists without capital, should necessitate such a measure. You talk to me in your letter about a canvas of mine, the sunflowers with a yellow background — to say that it would give you some pleasure to receive it. I don’t think that you’ve made a bad choice – if Jeannin has the peony, Quost the hollyhock, I indeed, before others, have taken the sunflower.

I think that I’ll begin by returning what belongs to you, making it plain that it’s my intention, after what has happened, to contest categorically your right to the canvas in question. But as I commend your intelligence in the choice of that canvas I’ll make an effort to paint two of them, exactly the same. In which case it might be done once and for all and thus settled amicably, so that you could have your own all the same.

Today I made a fresh start on the canvas I had painted of Mrs Roulin, the one which had remained in a vague state as regards the hands because of my accident. As an arrangement of colors: the reds moving through to pure oranges, intensifying even more in the flesh tones up to the chromes, passing into the pinks and marrying with the olive and Veronese greens. As an Impressionist arrangement of colors, I’ve never devised anything better. And I believe that if one placed this canvas just as it is in a boat, even one of Icelandic fishermen, there would be some who would feel the lullaby in it.

(Note: van Gogh’s idea of hanging his painting of the Berceuse in a fishing boat was prompted by what Pierre Loti writes in Pêcheur d’Islande (1886) about the custom of fishermen to hang the image of a saint in the saloon: ‘Against a panel at the far end, a Blessed Virgin in ceramic was set on a little shelf, in a place of honor. She was a little antique, these sailors’ patron saint, and painted in a naïve style. But ceramic figures last much longer than real men; and her red and blue robe still had the effect of a very fresh little thing in the midst of all the dark greys of this poor wooden house. She must have listened to many an ardent prayer at moments of great anxiety; two bunches of artificial flowers and a rosary had been nailed at her feet.’ (Contre un panneau du fond, une sainte Vierge en faïence était fixée sur une planchette, à une place d’honneur. Elle était un peu ancienne, la patronne de ces marins, et peint avec un art naïf. Mais les personnages en faïence se conservent beaucoup plus longtemps que les vrais hommes; aussi sa robe rouge et bleue faisait encore l’effet d’une petite chose très fraîche au milieu de tous les gris sombres de cette pauvre maison de bois. Elle avait dû écouter plus d’une ardente prière à des heures d’angoisses; on avait cloué à ses pieds deux bouquets de fleurs artificielles et un chapelet).

(Note: At the end of Loti’s novel, the maternal instincts of the sea are evoked. The sea is compared to a woman rocking a child, when the protagonist, Yann Gaos, drowns and ‘weds’ the sea: ‘Out there, one August night, off the dark mass of Iceland, in the midst of a great sound and fury, his marriage to the sea had been celebrated. To the sea that once had been his nurse; it was she who had rocked his cradle, who had made of him a tall, strong youth – and then she had taken him back, in the glory of his manhood, for herself alone’ (Une nuit d’août, là-bas, au large de la sombre Islande, au milieu d’un grand bruit de fureur, avaient été célébrées ses noces avec la mer. Avec la mer qui autrefois avait été sa nourrice; c’était elle qui l’avait bercé, qui l’avait fait adolescent large et fort, – et ensuite elle l’avait repris, dans sa virilité superbe, pour elle seule).

(Note: van Gogh wrote to Theo that he had had ‘intimate conversations’ with Gauguin about the fishermen of Iceland. Gauguin knew Loti’s book and presumably also knew of the shipwreck of a Breton fishing boat in 1887, which made it a subject of current interest. Two of the zincographs from his ‘Suite Volpini’, on which he was working in January 1889 were based on Pêcheur d’Islande; he gave them the title Tragedies of the sea – Brittany. ‘Gauguin, van Gogh and the fishermen of Iceland’)

Ah! my dear friend, to make of painting what the music of Berlioz and Wagner has been before us... a consolatory art for distressed hearts! There are as yet only a few who feel it as you and I do!!!

(Note: The fact that van Gogh mentions Berlioz and Wagner in the same sentence could be connected with the book he had read about Wagner which included an article by Wagner on Berlioz. The article ‘L’Amour dans la musique’ (Love in music), which van Gogh talks about in another letter also mentions Berlioz a number of times.)

My brother understands you well, and when he tells me that you’re a kind of unfortunate like me, then that indeed proves that he understands us.
I’ll send you your things, but at times weakness overcomes me again, and then I can’t even make the gesture of sending you back your things. I’ll pluck up the courage in a few days. And the ‘fencing masks and gloves’ (make the very least possible use of less childish engines of war), those terrible engines of war will wait until then. I now write to you very calmly, but I haven’t yet been able to pack up all the rest.

In my mental or nervous fever or madness, I don’t know quite what to say or how to name it, my thoughts sailed over many seas. I even dreamed of the Dutch ghost ship and the Horla, and it seems that I sang then, I who can’t sing on other occasions, to be precise an old wet-nurse’s song while thinking of what the cradle-rocker sang as she rocked the sailors and whom I had sought in an arrangement of colors before falling ill. Not knowing the music of Berlioz. A heartfelt handshake.

(Note: One of the legends about phantom ships is that of the seventeenth-century ship The Flying Dutchman, which drifts across the oceans against the wind, its blood-red sails raised. The legend occurs frequently in Dutch literature, and was also known through Wagner’s opera Der fliegende Holländer (The Flying Dutchman) (1843.)

(Note: The ‘Horla’ – which van Gogh also mentions in another letter – is derived from the fanciful story of ‘Le Horla’ by Guy de Maupassant, which had appeared two years earlier and had supposedly been written under the influence of ether. The story, with its overtones of the occult, is about a man who is convinced that an invisible figure (the Horla) accompanies him everywhere and influences his actions. He becomes more and more paranoid, and all attempts to rid himself of his enemy fail. The story ends with his realization that only death will release him from the Horla.)

(Note: We assume that the sketch in the space left open after l. 113, a fish with the word ‘ictus’ inside it, was not made by van Gogh but by Gauguin. The same symbol with the word (written, or rather ‘drawn’, in similar fashion) occurs in Gauguin’s watercolor Ictus of 1889. His Carnet also contains two mentions of ‘ictus.'
Ichthus (Greek for fish) is a well-known symbol of Christ, but there may be an intentional double meaning, prompted by van Gogh’s account of his mental confusion (van Gogh spoke of his ‘mental or nervous fever or madness’, in another letter.) Ictus’ is a ‘sudden manifestation of a morbid condition affecting the nervous system: amnesiac, epileptic ictus’ (manifestation brutale d’un état morbide affectant le système nerveux: ictus amnésique, épileptique) (TLF). This may well have been a conscious play on the words ‘ictus’ (the illness) and ‘ichthus’ (fish/Christ) on Gauguin’s part.)

Ever yours,

It will please me greatly if you write to me again before long. Have you read Tartarin in full by now? The imagination of the south creates pals, doesn’t it, and between us we always have friendship.

Have you yet read and re-read Uncle Tom’s cabin by Beecher Stowe? It’s perhaps not very well written in the literary sense. Have you read Germinie Lacerteux yet?

Love ya Preziosi! Later! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 25/09/15 20:30
Messaggi: 371
Residenza: BARCELONA

MessaggioInviato: Lun Set 25, 2017 12:12    Oggetto: Re: PROMETEO, reading di PREZIOSI 17/11/2017 Teatro Palazzo Rispondi citando

Che pena stare tanto lontano e non potere godere più spesso del tuo arte

genziana ha scritto:

"PROMETEO" reading di e con Alessandro PREZIOSI

produzione: KHORA.teatro - live set di Paky Di Maio

ven. 17 novembre 2017, BARI Teatro Palazzo 21:00

Alessandro Preziosi dà voce e corpo ad uno dei personaggi più ammirati e discussi della mitologia greca: Prometeo, il titano che ruba il fuoco agli dei contro il volere di Zeus per donare conoscenza, pensiero e facoltà di azione agli uomini. Proprio per aver combattuto con coraggio e generosità la sua battaglia in favore degli uomini, Prometeo verrà condannato da Zeus ad una terribile punizione.

"PROMETEO" rientra nell'Abbonamento 1 in vendita on line come i biglietti singoli: ►

presso i punti vendita bookingshow e presso il botteghino del Teatro PALAZZO di
BARI in Corso Sonnino 142D - PER INFORMAZIONI: 0809753364 - 3661916284

il botteghino rimane aperto dal martedì al sabato - orario: dalle 17:00 alle 21:00

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Registrato: 27/08/16 08:28
Messaggi: 283
Residenza: USA

MessaggioInviato: Lun Set 25, 2017 12:15    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Alessandro, among other things, in this letter, van Gogh speaks of a few paintings, being left behind alone in his little yellow house, and the man he and "Pauly" simultaneously nicknamed ‘the passer-by’ Laughing Roulin.

From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Paul Gauguin
Date: Arles, Monday, January 21, 1889

My dear friend Gauguin,
Thanks for your letter. Left behind alone on board my little yellow house — as it was perhaps my duty to be the last to remain here anyway — I’m not a little plagued by the friends’ departure. Roulin has had his transfer to Marseille and has just left. It has been touching to see him these last days with little Marcelle, when he made her laugh and bounce on his knees.

His transfer necessitates his separation from his family, and you won’t be surprised that as a result the man you and I simultaneously nicknamed ‘the passer-by’ one evening had a very heavy heart. Now so did I, witnessing that and other heart-breaking things. His voice as he sang for his child took on a strange timbre in which there was a hint of a woman rocking a cradle or a distressed wet-nurse, and then another sound of bronze, like a clarion from France.

Now I feel remorse at having perhaps, I who so insisted that you should stay here to await events and gave you so many good reasons for doing so, now I feel remorse at having indeed perhaps prompted your departure — unless, however, that departure was premeditated beforehand? And that then it was perhaps up to me to show that I still had the right to be kept frankly au courant.

(Note: Gauguin was considering returning to Paris around mid-December 1888, but changed his mind and decided to stay.)

Whatever the case, I hope we like each other enough to be able to begin again if need be, if penury, alas ever-present for us artists without capital, should necessitate such a measure. You talk to me in your letter about a canvas of mine, the sunflowers with a yellow background — to say that it would give you some pleasure to receive it. I don’t think that you’ve made a bad choice – if Jeannin has the peony, Quost the hollyhock, I indeed, before others, have taken the sunflower.

I think that I’ll begin by returning what belongs to you, making it plain that it’s my intention, after what has happened, to contest categorically your right to the canvas in question. But as I commend your intelligence in the choice of that canvas I’ll make an effort to paint two of them, exactly the same. In which case it might be done once and for all and thus settled amicably, so that you could have your own all the same.

Today I made a fresh start on the canvas I had painted of Mrs Roulin, the one which had remained in a vague state as regards the hands because of my accident. As an arrangement of colors: the reds moving through to pure oranges, intensifying even more in the flesh tones up to the chromes, passing into the pinks and marrying with the olive and Veronese greens. As an Impressionist arrangement of colors, I’ve never devised anything better. And I believe that if one placed this canvas just as it is in a boat, even one of Icelandic fishermen, there would be some who would feel the lullaby in it.

(Note: van Gogh’s idea of hanging his painting of the Berceuse in a fishing boat was prompted by what Pierre Loti writes in Pêcheur d’Islande (1886) about the custom of fishermen to hang the image of a saint in the saloon: ‘Against a panel at the far end, a Blessed Virgin in ceramic was set on a little shelf, in a place of honor. She was a little antique, these sailors’ patron saint, and painted in a naïve style. But ceramic figures last much longer than real men; and her red and blue robe still had the effect of a very fresh little thing in the midst of all the dark greys of this poor wooden house. She must have listened to many an ardent prayer at moments of great anxiety; two bunches of artificial flowers and a rosary had been nailed at her feet.’ (Contre un panneau du fond, une sainte Vierge en faïence était fixée sur une planchette, à une place d’honneur. Elle était un peu ancienne, la patronne de ces marins, et peint avec un art naïf. Mais les personnages en faïence se conservent beaucoup plus longtemps que les vrais hommes; aussi sa robe rouge et bleue faisait encore l’effet d’une petite chose très fraîche au milieu de tous les gris sombres de cette pauvre maison de bois. Elle avait dû écouter plus d’une ardente prière à des heures d’angoisses; on avait cloué à ses pieds deux bouquets de fleurs artificielles et un chapelet).

(Note: At the end of Loti’s novel, the maternal instincts of the sea are evoked. The sea is compared to a woman rocking a child, when the protagonist, Yann Gaos, drowns and ‘weds’ the sea: ‘Out there, one August night, off the dark mass of Iceland, in the midst of a great sound and fury, his marriage to the sea had been celebrated. To the sea that once had been his nurse; it was she who had rocked his cradle, who had made of him a tall, strong youth – and then she had taken him back, in the glory of his manhood, for herself alone’ (Une nuit d’août, là-bas, au large de la sombre Islande, au milieu d’un grand bruit de fureur, avaient été célébrées ses noces avec la mer. Avec la mer qui autrefois avait été sa nourrice; c’était elle qui l’avait bercé, qui l’avait fait adolescent large et fort, – et ensuite elle l’avait repris, dans sa virilité superbe, pour elle seule).

(Note: van Gogh wrote to Theo that he had had ‘intimate conversations’ with Gauguin about the fishermen of Iceland. Gauguin knew Loti’s book and presumably also knew of the shipwreck of a Breton fishing boat in 1887, which made it a subject of current interest. Two of the zincographs from his ‘Suite Volpini’, on which he was working in January 1889 were based on Pêcheur d’Islande; he gave them the title Tragedies of the sea – Brittany. ‘Gauguin, van Gogh and the fishermen of Iceland’)

Ah! my dear friend, to make of painting what the music of Berlioz and Wagner has been before us... a consolatory art for distressed hearts! There are as yet only a few who feel it as you and I do!!!

(Note: The fact that van Gogh mentions Berlioz and Wagner in the same sentence could be connected with the book he had read about Wagner which included an article by Wagner on Berlioz. The article ‘L’Amour dans la musique’ (Love in music), which van Gogh talks about in another letter also mentions Berlioz a number of times.)

My brother understands you well, and when he tells me that you’re a kind of unfortunate like me, then that indeed proves that he understands us.
I’ll send you your things, but at times weakness overcomes me again, and then I can’t even make the gesture of sending you back your things. I’ll pluck up the courage in a few days. And the ‘fencing masks and gloves’ (make the very least possible use of less childish engines of war), those terrible engines of war will wait until then. I now write to you very calmly, but I haven’t yet been able to pack up all the rest.

In my mental or nervous fever or madness, I don’t know quite what to say or how to name it, my thoughts sailed over many seas. I even dreamed of the Dutch ghost ship and the Horla, and it seems that I sang then, I who can’t sing on other occasions, to be precise an old wet-nurse’s song while thinking of what the cradle-rocker sang as she rocked the sailors and whom I had sought in an arrangement of colors before falling ill. Not knowing the music of Berlioz. A heartfelt handshake.

(Note: One of the legends about phantom ships is that of the seventeenth-century ship The Flying Dutchman, which drifts across the oceans against the wind, its blood-red sails raised. The legend occurs frequently in Dutch literature, and was also known through Wagner’s opera Der fliegende Holländer (The Flying Dutchman) (1843.)

(Note: The ‘Horla’ – which van Gogh also mentions in another letter – is derived from the fanciful story of ‘Le Horla’ by Guy de Maupassant, which had appeared two years earlier and had supposedly been written under the influence of ether. The story, with its overtones of the occult, is about a man who is convinced that an invisible figure (the Horla) accompanies him everywhere and influences his actions. He becomes more and more paranoid, and all attempts to rid himself of his enemy fail. The story ends with his realization that only death will release him from the Horla.)

(Note: We assume that the sketch in the space left open after l. 113, a fish with the word ‘ictus’ inside it, was not made by van Gogh but by Gauguin. The same symbol with the word (written, or rather ‘drawn’, in similar fashion) occurs in Gauguin’s watercolor Ictus of 1889. His Carnet also contains two mentions of ‘ictus.'
Ichthus (Greek for fish) is a well-known symbol of Christ, but there may be an intentional double meaning, prompted by van Gogh’s account of his mental confusion (van Gogh spoke of his ‘mental or nervous fever or madness’, in another letter.) Ictus’ is a ‘sudden manifestation of a morbid condition affecting the nervous system: amnesiac, epileptic ictus’ (manifestation brutale d’un état morbide affectant le système nerveux: ictus amnésique, épileptique) (TLF). This may well have been a conscious play on the words ‘ictus’ (the illness) and ‘ichthus’ (fish/Christ) on Gauguin’s part.)

Ever yours,

It will please me greatly if you write to me again before long. Have you read Tartarin in full by now? The imagination of the south creates pals, doesn’t it, and between us we always have friendship.

Have you yet read and re-read Uncle Tom’s cabin by Beecher Stowe? It’s perhaps not very well written in the literary sense. Have you read Germinie Lacerteux yet?

Love ya Preziosi! Later! me.

"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
―William Shakespeare
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Registrato: 25/09/15 20:30
Messaggi: 371
Residenza: BARCELONA

MessaggioInviato: Lun Set 25, 2017 12:24    Oggetto: Re: FESTIVAL SPOLETO 60 - Alessandro Preziosi è VINCENT VAN Rispondi citando

Desiderosa di vedette di nuovo caso Vincent!!!

Danon perdere!!!

genziana ha scritto:

rassegna stampa e commenti Exclamation I NOSTRI INCONTRI di Alessandro

Benvenuti! siete in Alessandro Preziosi official Forum

questo è l'unico sito web personale aperto dall'artista


    FOTO di Andrea Kim Mariani/AGF pubblicate da

ALESSANDRO PREZIOSI nel ruolo di protagonista in

VINCENT VAN GOGH. L'odore assordante del bianco

1-2-3 luglio 2017 in scena al Festival di SPOLETO60

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MessaggioInviato: Lun Set 25, 2017 14:29    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

IMPRESSIONANTE, mio carissimo amico Ale Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes !!!

Tanti baci con grande e sincero affetto da Madrid Razz Razz !!

TVTB Ale Wink Wink


La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.

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Registrato: 16/04/12 20:20
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MessaggioInviato: Lun Set 25, 2017 14:46    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Dear Patrizia!

Nobody bothered and insulted you!

You must have misunderstood!

In this forum everyone is welcomed with joy and cordiality!

We respect everyone !!!

I wish you a wonderful day!

A strong and loving embrace from Germany!



Mi dispiace per il mio cattivo italiano

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MessaggioInviato: Gio Set 28, 2017 14:30    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

Albert Einstein a volte lo ha torturato una domanda: Sono io il pazzo, o sono gli altri i pazzi Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes ??

E mi sono chiesto, più o meno lo stesso sempre: sono i pazzi quelli che sono dentro o quelli che siamo fuori Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes ??

Chi imposta la linea tra sanità mentale e follia? È così fine la linea... Confused Confused !!

Tanti baci con grande e sincero affetto da Madrid Wink

TVTB Ale Razz


La vera ricchezza è prendere la vita con amore, donando amore.

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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Sab Set 30, 2017 19:01    Oggetto: PROMETEO|reading di PREZIOSI 13/11/17 Teatro Palladium LECCO Rispondi citando

"PROMETEO" reading di e con Alessandro PREZIOSI

produzione: KHORA.teatro - live set di Paky Di Maio

merc. 13 dicembre, LECCO Teatro Palladium, 21:00

Stagione 2017/18 "Il Teatro della Società è in Città"

A seguito della temporanea chiusura per restauro del Teatro della Società, la
Stagione Teatrale 2017-2018 del Comune di Lecco verrà ospitata nelle sale
cittadine che generosamente e con spirito di collaborazione sono state messe
a disposizione da alcune parrocchie e da enti del territorio. Tra queste figura il
Cineteatro Palladium che è la sala della comunità della Parrocchia di Castello
sopra Lecco
, l'unica sala cinematografica cittadina di Lecco di prima visione,
in Via Fiumicella 12; digitalizzata dal 2012, ospita spettacoli teatrali, rassegne
e conferenze. La sua gestione è totalmente affidata ad un gruppo di volontari.
Parcheggio gratuito in Piazza Dell'Oro, Chiesa dei Ss. Mm. Gervaso e Protaso.

Biglietteria: on line - da
lunedì 16 ottobre alle 17:00 - o presso il Teatro della Società di Lecco in piazza
Garibaldi 10, dal 23 ottobre orario; lunedì 14-18, merc. 10-14; tel. 0341 367289

per informazioni: Comune di Lecco Servizio Turismo e Cultura, tel. 0341 271870,
0341 271874. Il programma potrà subire variazioni per causa di forza maggiore.

    (foto: - panorama dal lago di Lecco)

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MessaggioInviato: Mer Ott 04, 2017 14:59    Oggetto: Montecarlo 25/10/17 TOTO' OLTRE LA MASCHERA reading di KHORA Rispondi citando

a MonteCarlo "TOTO' OLTRE LA MASCHERA" reading

Khora.teatro, Alessandro Preziosi & Daniele Bonaviri

omaggio ad Antonio De Curtis a 50 anni dalla morte

Théâtre des Variétés, 20:00, merc. 25 ottobre 2017

Stagione Culturale Italiana "Dante Alighieri" Monaco

Il programma stagionale 2017/18 del Comitato DANTE ALIGHIERI nel Principato esprime attraverso la scelta di ogni singolo evento il proprio modo di pensare alla cultura come qualcosa di vivo e di dinamico: una sperimentazione costante, capace di generare elevazione culturale e arricchimento interiore, ma anche di favorire maggiori e più ampi legami con la realtà in cui vive, quel Principato che accoglie la Dante Alighieri da ben 38 anni. Per questa edizione, ha individuato personaggi di rilievo e tematiche tali da rinnovare l’entusiasmo di soci e estimatori con scelte volte sempre alla valorizzazione e diffusione della lingua italiana anche in chiave culturale.
La nuova stagione Dante si apre celebrando la “Settimana della Lingua e della Cultura italiana nel mondo” giunta alla XVII edizione e il cui tema quest’anno è “L’Italiano al cinema, l’italiano nel cinema”.
A partire dal 25 ottobre si entrerà nel vivo della stagione, seguendo per i successivi appuntamenti un filo conduttore che li percorre tutti, legato all’apparente contrasto tra realtà e fantasia. Che rapporto esiste tra l’una e l’altra? Da una parte esse appartengono a dimensioni contrapposte, mentre dall’altra non smettono mai di ricercarsi, riflettendosi ininterrottamente in un eterno gioco di specchi. E se invece che antitetiche, fantasia e realtà, non fossero che due facce della stessa medaglia che, pur sfidandosi senza sosta, si cercano per completarsi? Attraverso la fantasia e la creatività è possibile concepire diversità e proiettarsi in mondi dove tutto è possibile: immaginare il futuro, inventare il presente, cambiare il passato. Gli ospiti che prenderanno parte a questa nuova stagione, utilizzeranno questo gioco di scambio per interpretare e entrare nelle dinamiche di artisti geniali come Totò, Caravaggio, Buzzati, Manfredi, Maestri liutai del passato o cantautori come Dalla o De André. Ed è dall’osservazione di quei personaggi, delle loro vite o creazioni che viene la soluzione: la possibilità di far dialogare fantasia e realtà nasce nel momento in cui, eliminando le barriere degli interdetti, si pone l’immaginazione al pari della realtà, quasi sovrapponendola, per riconoscere alla fantasia, finalmente, diritto di cittadinanza dandole la possibilità di sostituirsi alla realtà.


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MessaggioInviato: Mer Ott 04, 2017 15:04    Oggetto: Rispondi citando

E cosi, passo dopo passo ... si va oltre i confini d'Italia Smile In bocca al lupo, Ale! Sarà di dicuro una bellissima serata.
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Registrato: 22/03/04 13:40
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MessaggioInviato: Mer Ott 04, 2017 15:17    Oggetto: PROMETEO, reading di PREZIOSI 17/11/2017 Teatro Palazzo BARI Rispondi citando

"PROMETEO" reading di e con Alessandro PREZIOSI

produzione: KHORA.teatro - live set di Paky Di Maio

ven. 17 novembre 2017, BARI Teatro Palazzo 21:00

Alessandro Preziosi dà voce e corpo ad uno dei personaggi più ammirati e discussi della mitologia greca: Prometeo, il titano che ruba il fuoco agli dei contro il volere di Zeus per donare conoscenza, pensiero e facoltà di azione agli uomini. Proprio per aver combattuto con coraggio e generosità la sua battaglia in favore degli uomini, Prometeo verrà condannato da Zeus ad una terribile punizione.

"PROMETEO" rientra nell'Abbonamento 1 in vendita on line come i biglietti singoli: ►

presso i punti vendita bookingshow e presso il botteghino del Teatro PALAZZO di
BARI in Corso Sonnino 142D - PER INFORMAZIONI: 0809753364 - 3661916284

il botteghino rimane aperto dal martedì al sabato - orario: dalle 17:00 alle 21:00

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